Not everyone is suited to full-time study, some people might find the option of part-time studying more beneficial or easily accessible to them as it means they still have time to work and can juggle their studies around minding the children and so forth. Part-time course options enable students to spread their studies over a number of years and organise their studies more effectively although it will take longer to complete the course than the full-time option. Most universities and colleges offer a comprehensive range of part-time courses though some are limited – for example, Ireland’s oldest university, Trinity College Dublin, only offers one part-time degree course!
Modular programmes and distance learning are also an option. Modular programmes are made up of separate modules, which are self-contained units within a course. You can study and complete each module at different stages during the course. Modular programmes can take place in classroom settings or can be part of a distance learning programme. Distance learning programmes are mainly conducted using a range of different media – mainly the internet.