Course Description

Speech and Language Therapy Assistant

This Speech and Language Therapy course is designed to provide the learners who are considering a career as a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant with a solid foundation.  The learner will gain knowledge of the application of a wide range of communication styles and codes in relation to speech and language therapy practice.  They can also use their qualification to work as a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant as per the HSE appointed grade.  Alternatively they can use the programme as a foundation for further study in the area of childcare, social care and health care.

The Learners will develop an awareness of how to assist the Speech and Language Therapist to help clients manage challenges in relation to speech, language, voice and feeding difficulties. Work Experience and assessment are undertaken under the supervision of a qualified Speech and Language Therapist.

CollegeColáiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
Course LocationCoolock, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 17
Course CategoryEnglish, Languages
Course TypeIn-house Training
Course QualificationLevel 5 Certificate
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsSpeech & Language Therapy Assistant
Course DurationOne year
Course TimeOne year
Course Fee€370
Entry RequirementsLeaving Certificate or Leaving Certificate Applied. Mature students are welcome.
Carear PathSpeech & Language Therapy Theory, Speech & Language Therapy Practice, Care Support, Child Health & Well Being, Child Development, Anatomy and Physiology, Infection Prevention & Control, Communications, Work Experience

The course will also include workshops in the following area and will be important elements of the course :

Lámh Signs (A sign language system used by children and adults with an intellectual disability &/or additional communication needs. Lámh signs can be used as a primary method of communication or along with speech and other methods of communication)
The Hanen Program (This program teaches skills and strategies which can be used on a daily basis to contribute to speech and language development).
Course Code5M3782
For information about Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE), please visit their college page on by clicking here.

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    Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
    Barryscourt Road
    Coolock, Dublin
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