Course Description

Irish Studies

Irish Studies is an interdisciplinary programme that examines the variety and diversity of Irish history, society, cultural practice and the complex processes through which Ireland and Irish identities have been constructed. It asks a series of provocative and stimulating questions about ideas of Ireland and Irishness, such as how can we understand the ways in which place, history, culture and society have shaped Ireland, past and present? How do processes of emigration and immigration impact on Irish culture, society and identity? What influence have identity categories such as gender, sexuality, ethnicity and class had on Irish culture, society and identities?

Course Location
Course CategoryIrish, Languages
Course TypeClassroom Based
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Course Provider


UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, Access and Lifelong Learning Centre, Level One, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

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    UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, Access and Lifelong Learning Centre
    Level One, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin
    Visit Website