Course Description

Interactive Digital Media Production

This course provides an introduction to Digital Media with a strong focus on giving students the opportunity to gain skills and to learn the fundamentals of Multimedia, Web Design and Graphic Design. The course is ideally suited to those who wish to up-skill in the dynamic area of digital media. Students gain a wide range of skills in digital multimedia production and establish a strong foundation for further study and for employment. It is suitable for those with a little computer experience.

CollegeBallyfermot College of Further Education
Course LocationBallyfermot, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 10
Course CategoryIT
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course Duration1 year
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsFive O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate/LCVP or a merit in Leaving Certificate Applied or QQI level 4 Certificate. The academic entry requirements may be waived for mature applicants (21+).
Carear PathGraduates may progress to courses in Higher Education Institutions on a competitive basis through the new QQI Common Awards System (CAS). For information on the scheme see Higher Education Links Scheme.

Graduates with a merit profile may apply for entry to BTEC Higher National Diploma Courses in BCFE. Suitable courses include:

HND in Digital Design and Technology (UX, UI)
HND in Creative Media Production (Computer Game Design)
HND in Visual Effects and 3D Technology
Phone1 6269421
Course CodeDMP
For information about Ballyfermot College of Further Education, please visit their college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

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    Ballyfermot College of Further Education
    Ballyfermot Road
    Ballyfermot, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website