Course Description

Computer Systems and Networks

This full-time course provides the opportunity to train for a career in the IT industry. The course gives a practical understanding and knowledge in building and maintaining PC systems as well as designing and maintaining networks. The course prepares particpants for careers in software development, computer programming and technical support.

CollegeGreenhills College
Course LocationWalkinstown, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 12
Course CategoryIT
Course TypeClassroom Based
Awarding BodyQQI
Course DurationSeptember-May
Course FeePOA
Carear PathAward holders would be qualified to wark in any area of the IT industry in the private or public sector. Successful graduates may progress to further education in Institutes of Technology, Universities and other colleges in Ireland through the Higher Education Links Scheme or CAO.
Phone01 4507779
Course Code5M17814
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Course Provider

Greenhills College

Limekiln Avenue, Greenhills, Walkinstown, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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    Greenhills College
    Limekiln Avenue
    Greenhills, Walkinstown, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website