Course Description

Certificate in Art and Design

Our Art and Design foundation course introduces the learner to a broad range of areas in the discipline of Art & Design. It is an interdisciplinary programme of study over one academic year that encourages exploration and experiment with different art and design disciplines & media. The purpose of of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to develop an analytical and methodical approach to artwork and developing designs. It is also to introduce the learner to a broad range of design disciplines before choosing their pathway in Interior Design/Architecture, Fashion & Textiles, Graphic design & Illustration and Animation. It also allows students a pathway onto a level 8 award. The key abilities which contribute to successful individual participation on the programme have been identified as creativity in design; competence in communication in a variety of media; an ability to draw; technical understanding; and organisation. Candidates are expected to have a keen interest in the cultural and social factors in design; creative expression and innovations; and to have a capacity for both independent work and teamwork. Our Certificate in Art and Design Foundation Studies is a one-year level 6 course available on a full-time basis.

CollegeGriffith College Dublin (GCD)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 8
Course CategoryArt
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course Duration1 Year
Course FeeFull-Time: EUR 5,650
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Course Provider

Griffith College Dublin (GCD)

South Circular Road, Dublin City South, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: D08V04N

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    Griffith College Dublin (GCD)
    South Circular Road
    Dublin City South, Dublin
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