Course Description

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying (Online)

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying (Online); ; This programme offers graduates a broad skills base for the specialised profession of quantity surveying. The need for quantity surveyors is vital for the efficient cost management of construction projects. The evolving international economic climate means the role of the quantity surveyor is in high demand as both public and private clients are pursuing the agenda of obtaining value for money and greater cost certainty in all construction activities. On completion of this programme graduates will be prepared for the current and future role of the quantity surveying profession. We work very closely with employers, practitioners and professional organisations to ensure that our course reflects the current needs of the work place.; ; The Role of the Chartered Surveyor:; Click Here for a description of ‘What is a Chartered Surveyor?’; Click Here for a short video on ‘What is a Chartered Quantity Surveyor?’; ; ; ; Accreditation; ; The programme is fully accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors / Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland. These qualifications are recognised internationally, providing graduates with an opportunity to achieve full chartered status, following successful completion of the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).; ; About this Programme; ; The BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying is an honours degree programme offered via online distance learning over a period of 2 years on a part-time basis. The programme will be delivered using the internet (using the Adobe connect online teaching application) and students will be instructed in this method at the start of the programme. Online lectures, programme materials, innovative learning, web-links and assessments will be uploaded to a Moodle course management system. The programme will provide students with the following key skills:Measurement in accordance with the agreed method of measurement.; Preparation of building estimates, cost plans and bills of quantities using current software.; Construction technology skills, including the growing environmental, sustainability, conservation and renovation areas, giving the ability to examine architectural and engineering drawings for measurement purposes.; Negotiation skills.; Practical application of BIM by estimators / Quantity Surveyors.; Ability to Interpret the Capital Works Management Framework required on all public works projects.; Research skills required to complete the dissertation.; Management and maintenance of modern buildings.; ; Online Classes/Examinations; ; Classes – students remotely attend live online classes, including software tutorials. Should a student miss a live class they can view the recording whenever it suits them. Software is available for the duration of the course via remote access to our on-campus PCs or students may choose to download free student licences directly to their home PC/laptop.; ; Exams – students who are outside the island of Ireland at the time of their exams have the choice to sit an exam remotely using IT Sligo’s online invigilator service (proctoring). Therefore, there is no requirement to travel to Ireland for examinations. Students who are in Ireland at the time of examinations may choose to travel to exam centres in Sligo, Dublin or Cork.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Sligo
Course LocationSligo
Course Category
Course TypeOnline Learning
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
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    Republic of Ireland
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