Course Description

BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management (add-on)

BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management (add-on); ; Construction Project Management is a professional field that focuses on each part of the construction process of any built environment. The course at IT Sligo equips graduates with skills and knowledge in project management as well as an understanding of the business process and environment. Armed with such expertise, graduates will be prepared for decision making and undertaking executive responsibilities within a number of industries, such as; construction, energy, utilities, telecommunications, architecture, production, design and service industries.; ; Construction project managers are responsible for planning, co-ordination and control of a project from inception to completion. Their role is to deliver clients’ requirements in order to produce a functionally and financially viable construction project that will be completed on time, within budget and to the required quality and standards. Construction project managers, quantity surveyors and senior engineers require a combination of engineering knowledge, good business and organisational skills and a capacity for leadership in managing people and construction operations within the building process.; ; Key Skills:Ability to manage the construction process and to meet the needs of clients within legal, financial and environmental constraints.; Obtain a capacity for leadership in managing the building process.; Management skills to plan, organise and control construction projects.; Ability to contribute to the construction process in a manner that sustains and enhances the natural and built environments.; An in-depth knowledge and understanding of the business process and the necessary theoretical knowledge to match solutions to business problems.

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    Ash Lane
    Republic of Ireland
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