Course Description

Bachelor of Science (Honours)Software Design (Common Entry to Game Development and Cloud Computing)

Software design is one of the enormous growth areas in ICT engineering. The common entry first year has been developed to give you sufficient time and experience to come to an informed choice as to which degree option you wish to pursue.

This programme has a common first year on the following Level 8 qualifications:

BSc (Hons) in Software Design (Game Development)
BSc (Hons) in Software Design (Cloud Computing)
The benefit of undertaking the common entry programme is that it allows you the time to identify where your strengths and interests lie.

CollegeAthlone Institute of Technology
Course LocationAthlone, Westmeath
Course CategoryCloud Computing, IT
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Course Duration4 Years
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsGrade H5 at higher level in two subjects, plus Grade 06 at ordinary level in four other subjects in the Leaving Certificate. Two of these subjects must be Mathematics and a language (English or Irish)


QQI applicants to this programme must hold the following award: Information Technology (CITXX). They are also required to have the module Mathematics (5N1833) included in their award or alternatively have Leaving Certificate Mathematics. They must also possess distinctions in three modules.
Carear PathStudents graduating from this course will be in a position to take up careers as game developers, software designers, database programmers and administrators, and technical salespersons. Possible employers include: Ericsson, Valeo, Cisco, Avaya (Nortel), SAP, Hewlett-Packard, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Riverdeep, as well as financial institutions and SMEs.
Phone(0)90 646 8000
Course CodeAL801
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    Athlone Institute of Technology
    Dublin Road
    Athlone, Westmeath
    Republic of Ireland
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