Course Description

Bachelor of Law (Hons) LL. B

At DBS the Bachelor of Law (Hons) is accredited by the Honorable Society of King’s Inns for the purpose of eligibility to sit the entrance exams for the Barrister-at-Law degree programme.

The Bachelor of Laws (Hons) enables graduates who wish to qualify as solicitors to sit the Law Society of Ireland entrance examinations. The Bachelor of Laws (Hons) also enables graduates to sit the Honourable Society of King’s Inns entrance examinations the passing of which are a pre requisite for taking the Barrister-at-Law degree.

Why study Law at DBS?

  • The Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree is fully recognised by all of the Professional Legal bodies in Ireland including the Law Society of Ireland and the Honorable Society of Kings Inns.
  • Strong pastoral care ethos.
  • Up to date careers guidance and counselling.
  • Key transferable skills (including research, IT, presentational etc.) taught and developed through the course.
  • Emphasis on advocacy training and mooting.
  • Focus on examination technique.
  • Competitive fee structure.
  • Flexible delivery – daytime or evening classes.
  • The study of law improves & develops the student’s power of reasoning, clarity of thought and the ability to analyse and express complicated ideas.
  • Studying law has an appeal to any student considering a career in the legal profession.
  • A Law Degree opens up a range of career opportunities apart from the practice of law (commercial industry, social sciences, politics, the media and public service).
  • You will be taught by very experienced and enthusiastic lecturers who really ‘connect’ with the students and most of whom have significant experience of legal practice which they use to illustrate and enrich their teaching.
  • The curriculum is orientated towards employability.
  • Track record of excellent examination results.
  • You will receive a rounded and stimulating educational experience in Ireland’s largest independent third level institution which comprises a diverse and vibrant student community over 9,000 strong, thus facilitating greater social, leisure and sporting opportunities than can be provided by smaller institutions.

Click below to learn more about this programme.

CollegeDublin Business School (DBS)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryLaw
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsBachelor of Laws (Hons) LL. B
Course DurationThree years
Course TimeFull time, beginning September 2024
Course Fee6,375
Entry Requirements2 H5 + 4 O6/H7, to include English
Carear PathThe Bachelor of Laws degree provides a firm foundation for students wishing to train as solicitors or barristers. Additionally a law degree is one of the most respected undergraduate qualifications. It opens up a range of career opportunities apart from the practice of the law. Law graduates are employed in a wide variety of areas including commercial industry, social sciences, politics, the media and the public service. A legal education therefore opens more doors than just the practice of law. Dublin Business School has a dedicated Careers and Appointments Services department who work to develop the career prospects of the student body by teaching employment skills to be utilised following graduation and throughout a student’s professional life. The Careers office additionally publicises recruitment campaigns and current vacancies that may be of interest to students. Additionally, internships and work experience opportunities are developed by our Employer Liaison Officer, with many DBS graduates continuing on to work within the company where they have completed their work placement. For further information on the DBS Careers and Appointments Services, please visit the dedicated website. The Bachelor of Laws (Hons) enables graduates who wish to qualify as solicitors, to sit the Law Society of Ireland entrance examinations. The Bachelor of Laws (Hons) also enables graduates to sit the Honorable Society of King’s Inns entrance examinations the passing of which are a pre requisite for taking the Barrister-at-Law degree.
Course CodeDB568
For information about Dublin Business School (DBS), please visit their college page on by clicking here.

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