Course Description

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Performing Arts

This BFA degree offers a broad and holistic approach to the performing arts, one that not only concentrates on performance from a participatory perspective (that is to say, on being a performer), but also prepares the student for the wide and exciting range of careers available in the performing arts industry. While performance remains a central aspect of the programme, students are also prepared for the vast array of work that supports and produces performance, such as directing and staging, creating written material for performance, production, management, marketing and funding of the performing arts. The programme is based around live theatrical performance (with elements of recording used for diagnostic and development purposes), but at the same time a graduate is prepared for further study in all cognate specialisms in the performing arts, as well as for direct entry into a professional career. This is because the degree produces a wide spectrum of transferable skills such as effective presentational technique, expertise in using the voice and the body as communicative instruments, interpretational and compositional competency with written texts, management, marketing and fundraising abilities, and organizational skills. These are applicable not only in the context of the many career paths within performing arts, but also in a wide variety of social, cultural and business vocations.

CollegeAmerican College Dublin
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryActing, Performing Arts
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Course Duration3 years
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsApplicants should furnish evidence of graduation from high school (secondary school), with final-year subjects to include completion of English. A prospective student should submit an application for the course directly to the Admissions Office at American College Dublin. Applicants whose first language is not English should have an IELTS score of 6.5 (or equivalent). An interview and audition is required for entry to the BFA in Performing Arts course. For the audition you must prepare one classical monologue (ie. pre the year 1900) and one contrasting modern monologue (ie. post the year 1900). Each piece should be approximately three minutes. Students should contact the Admissions Office at American College Dublin for details on the interview and audition process.
Carear PathThe BFA in Performing Arts is designed to prepare students for a number of future careers in following: Theatre Arts and event management Local and community broadcasting Teaching Research Cultural and business vocations
Phone353 1 676 8939
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    Republic of Ireland
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