Course Description

Bachelor of Business in Tourism with Event Management

Bachelor of Business in Tourism with Event Management; ; If you enjoy travel and working with people then this course will appeal to you. It includes a six month work placement in Ireland or abroad where you will be working in a tourism-related environment. Previously, placement students have worked in national or local tourism development agencies, travel agencies, tour operators, heritage and archaeological centres and tourism attractions abroad, throughout Europe and the USA.; ; Our course includes site visits to tourism operations and firms within the region which offer an important aspect to the course. We also organise international field trips to tourist destinations such as Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid, Venice, Frankfurt and Rome. We invite guest lecturers with a national or international profile to contribute to the programme.; ; Key Skills:; We have embedded key skills in the course to ensure our graduates are equipped to work in the torusim and events management industries:You will gain awareness and understanding of core tourism concepts and trends including cultural, adventure, eco- and events-related tourism developments; You will also understand sustainability issues including managing tourism impacts and tourism planning marketing; You will build competencies in core business areas including management, marketing, finance, law and digital media marketing; You will learn people-related skills including communication, interpersonal, team-working and customer service skills; You will build your understanding of conceptual and organisational skills including collecting and organising information, problem-solving, planning and organising, innovation and creativity; Language study available as an elective; ; The work placement module takes place at the end of year 2 and runs from April to September.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Sligo
Course LocationSligo
Course CategoryBusiness Studies, Business
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationOrdinary Bachelor Degree
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