Course Description

Bachelor of Business in Marketing & Sales

Bachelor of Business in Marketing & Sales; ; What is Marketing?; Marketing is an abstract concept that has been defined in many different ways by many different people. It is more than just a promoting a product or a service. Marketing involves researching the target audience, advising clients how to develop their products to suit consumer desires, determining product pricing structures, selecting effective channels through which to communicate with your customers, and developing and implementing promotional strategies. There is more to marketing than simply promoting and selling products; it’s about knowing your customers, developing your products/services to fulfil their needs, and also maintaining constant communication with them.; ; Programme Description: The marketing course offers a blend of business, marketing and sales modules, to give students the necessary knowledge and skills that is needed to work in a contemporary marketing environment. There is focus on work-based projects throughout the programme and a work placement ensures that graduates will be capable of integrating into the role of marketing and sales in the workplace.; ; Students are introduced to a wide range of contemporary marketing disciplines relevant to today’s business environment. The programme allows students to develop the skills to plan, develop, implement and integrate marketing and sales in organisations.; ; Work placement is designed to ensure you and the employer get the most value. From January to May in third year marketing students go on work placement two days per week. The remaining three days are spent on campus where the modules are very practical, this means students can apply what they’ve learned in work later that week in work placement.; ; Student Projects: The students work and engage with organisations both locally, regionally and nationally. They have developed market research, marketing plans, social media campaigns, sales pitches and sales management development plans, digital content, public relations proposals and public relations plans for a wide range of organisations.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Sligo
Course LocationSligo
Course CategoryMarketing, Business
Course TypeClassroom Based
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    Ash Lane
    Republic of Ireland
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