Course Description

Bachelor of Business in Digital Marketing

Bachelor of Business in Digital Marketing; ; By 2020 over 60% of all money spend on advertising in Ireland will be on digital advertising. Ireland has had the fastest-growing digital advertising market in Europe in recent years (Core, 2018). The current trend for social networking sites, websites, blogs and video sharing sites has created a need for business to re-evaluate their marketing spend. Marketing professionals must have an in-depth understanding of digital tools and techniques which will encourage interaction with customers and consumers.; ; This digital marketing course offers a blend of business, marketing and creative subjects, to give students the skills needed to work in a contemporary marketing environment. The inclusion of work-based projects and work placement ensures that graduates will be capable of integrating seamlessly into the workplace.; ; Students are introduced to a range of marketing disciplines relevant to today’s digital environment and are given the necessary skills to plan and implement digital marketing strategies. This programme also encourages creativity to allow students to create digital marketing content which connects with the target audience. Elective choices include the opportunity to volunteer in a charitable organisation of your choice or to study Public Relations.; ; You’ll learn how to use a wide range of software throughout this programme. The software taught is informed by what is being used in the industry, ensuring you have the most up to date digital marketing skills employers are looking for. Students also complete Google accredited courses and gain international recognised certification.; ; Work placement on this digital marketing course is uniquely designed to ensure you and the employer get the most value. From January to May in third year digital marketing students go on work placement two days per week. The remaining three days are spent on campus where the modules taught are very practical, this means students can apply what they’ve learned in work later that week.; ; Example of Modules: The modules could be categorised under three sections;; ; Digital skills – creating digital content which can be distributed across a range of digital channels.; ; Marketing modules which allow the student to understand the core principles of marketing, communications and selling.; ; Business modules which are needed to work in a business environment and include business law, accounting and economics.; ; (see What subjects will I study? for more details); ; The following video was a student project for Video & Animation in year three.

CollegeInstitute of Technology Sligo
Course LocationSligo
Course CategoryMarketing, Business
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationOrdinary Bachelor Degree
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    Institute of Technology Sligo
    Ash Lane
    Republic of Ireland
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