Course Description

BA in Film & Media

The BA in Film & Media programme is an opportunity for you to spend three years developing skills and expertise in film, television, radio photography and other aspects of digital culture. You will also acquire a broad understanding of the various ways in which the contemporary audiovisual media impact on our relationship with the world. The BA in Film and Media is a dynamic, practical and vocational programme that will not only allow you to develop existing interests while also help you develop new ones.

Whether making films, radio programmes, creating photographic portfolios, or studying the latest developments in digital culture the BA in Film and Media will help you develop a dynamic relationship with the contemporary audiovisual sector. The programme offers you the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills that are suitable for a variety of career paths and destinations in and around the audiovisual sector. During your three years on the programme you will be exposed to a wide range of industry facing and workplace aware audiovisual production, post-production and other allied practical and academic practices in the fields of film and media. You will also be able to develop key transferable skills such as self direction, teamwork, time and project management, networking, entrepreneurship, diplomacy, tact and negotiation. The BA in Film and Media will also prepare you for the workplace whilst also providing a great platform for further study and personal development.

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CollegeDublin Business School (DBS)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryFilm Production, Media
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationOrdinary Bachelor Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsBA in Film & Media
Course DurationThree years
Course TimeFull time, beginning in September 2024
Course Fee5,995
Entry Requirements5 O6/H7, to include English or another language
Carear PathSuccessful graduates from the programme will possess a wide range of transferable skills and disciplines that make them attractive to employers. Graduates from this programme will also be well-placed to continue their academic progression on the QQI Framework. Graduates of this programme may also progress to the final year of the Level 8 programmes the BA in (Hons) Film.
Course CodeDB576
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