Course Description

BA (Hons) Visual Media in Animation/Game Design


BA (Hons) Visual Media Animation Pathway
This course allows the students to develop and integrate their technical and academic skills in a structured way. It aims to develop in the student a balance between the conceptualist, the artist, the storyteller and the technician. At honours level the learning is largely self-directed and the students are required to produce a collaborative animated film.

BA (Hons) Visual Media Game Design Pathway
This course allows the students to develop and integrate their technical and academic skills in a structured way. It aims to develop in the student a balance between game designer and game producer. At honours level the learning is largely self-directed and the students are required to produce a collaborative game.


CDA A: BA (Hons) Visual Media Animation Pathway
The course is composed of both practical and theoretical modules: Moving Image and Technology, Life Drawing, Research and Development, Historical and Theoretical Analysis, Moving Image Production, Applied Animation Theory.

CDA G: BA (Hons) Visual Media Game Design Pathway
The course is composed of both practical and theoretical modules: Game Design, Game Production, Research and Development, Historical and Theoretical Analysis, Advanced Game Production, Applied Games Theory.

CollegeBallyfermot College of Further Education
Course LocationBallyfermot, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 10
Course CategoryIT
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Course Duration2 years
Course FeePOA
Phone1 6269421
Course CodeCDA
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    Ballyfermot College of Further Education
    Ballyfermot Road
    Ballyfermot, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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