Course Description

BA (Hons) Psychology (PSI accredited)

Psychology is one of the most exciting and interesting subjects available in third level education. It is the study of human behaviour in all its forms normal and abnormal, natural and learned, productive and destructive. It is a modern and progressive area of study, which with a 150-year history, is currently experiencing unprecedented growth and development in Ireland and internationally.

Professional psychologists work in almost every sphere of contemporary life. They contribute to the design of our classrooms and what takes place in them. They teach industry the best ways to select and motivate employees. They provide crucial insight into the background of social problems such as suicide, addiction and child abuse. They help coaches to train athletes, help the police to investigate crime, help managers to reduce stress in the workplace and help the health services to design effective health promotion campaigns (for example, anti-smoking and safe driving campaigns).

The Psychology programme in DBS School of Arts was the first non-University degree to be accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). PSI is the professional body for psychology in Ireland. As such, it seeks to promote the science and profession of psychology in Ireland and beyond. The psychology degree represents the necessary first step to becoming a professional psychologist. Across the programme, all the key areas of psychology are studied, including laboratory and project work. The BA (Hons) in Psychology programme at DBS School of Arts is also unique in that it includes significant content from the field of psychoanalysis, one of the major and most challenging traditions in the history of psychology. Upon successful completion of the degree, depending upon the final grade, graduates will be eligible to apply to enter postgraduate training programmes in their chosen specialisation and ultimately gain employment in their area of expertise.

The BA (Hons) in Psychology is accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland, the professional body for psychology in Ireland. As such, it seeks to promote the science and profession of psychology in Ireland and beyond. PSI membership now stands at over 2000 members, and includes practitioners, educators and researchers, professionals and postgraduate students, as well as undergraduate subscribers.

CollegeDublin Business School (DBS)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryPsychology Courses, Healthcare & Medicine
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsBA (Hons) Psychology (PSI accredited)
Course DurationThree years
Course TimeFull time, beginning in September 2024
Course Fee5,995
Entry Requirements2 H5 + 4 O6/H7, to include Mathematics & English or another language
Carear PathA postgraduate qualification is normally required if graduates are to find work as professional psychologists. Such courses are normally at the level of Master’s degree or Higher Diploma, and usually are of 1-2 years duration. The full range of specialist areas described above can be studied. Graduates are also eligible to undertake many postgraduate courses and/or research in related areas such as social and cultural studies or health sciences. Clinical Psychology Clinical psychologists work in health settings, engaging in diagnosticand therapeutic work with people with conditions such as schizophrenia and major depression. They often work in teams alongside other health professionals, including social workers, psychiatrists and doctors, in order to tailor treatment that best serves the needs of the patients. Counselling Psychology Counselling psychologists work with people who have emotional and psychological difficulties in their daily lives, seeking to guide,support and advise people through their problems. They can work in health settings and in other institutions (such as schools) or they can work in private practice seeing members of the general public. Educational Psychology Educational psychologists often work with schools under government of local authority supervision, assisting students with learning, emotional, behavioural or other difficulties. Some educational psychologist work at the highest levels of the education system,designing and reforming the national curriculum to make it more effective, fairer and more useful to students and students and society. Others specialise in related areas such as special needs or adult education. Forensic Psychology Forensic psychologists often work in the Prison Service. However, forensic psychologists may also work in the health service (including rehabilitation units and secure hospitals), the social service (including An Garda Siochana and young offender units) and in university departments or in private consultancy. Forensic psychologists also act as expert witnesses and give evidence in court.
Course CodeDB562
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