Course Description

BA (Hons) in Business (Psychology)

The BA (Hons) in Business programme is designed to give a clearly structured business education that provides a solid foundation for success in a business career. The course provides a strong grounding in fundamental business concepts, ideas, practices and methodologies.

The broad philosophy of this ​programme is to provide students with an appropriate base of relevant business and management knowledge with particular emphasis on the development of a firm understanding of core issues addressed by organisational psychology. The aims and objectives are that upon completion of the programme students should be able to:

• Understand a range of business functions in the multi-disciplinary nature of business

• Apply appropriate academic theories and concepts to range of business and

management issues

• Understand the international business environment

• Develop an understanding of the complexity of human behaviour

• Understand the role of psychology in organisational functioning

• Develop learning skills to meet the demands of further study

You can book or enquire for further information about this courses below.

CollegeDublin Business School (DBS)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryBusiness Studies, Business
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsBA (Hons) in Business - Psychology
Course DurationThree years
Course TimeFull time, beginning in September 2024
Course Fee5,995
Entry Requirements2 H5 + 4 O6/H7, to include Mathematics & English or another language
Carear PathBecause of the broad spectrum of subjects studied, career opportunities for business and psychology students are numerous. The wide-ranging nature of knowledge and skills gained by business psychology graduates makes them an attractive proposition for any prospective employer. Graduates have the opportunity to add value for both for both employers and themselves on a daily basis. Graduates can test theories, apply concepts and undertake practical project work. Graduating students wishing to pursue further qualifications can proceed to postgraduate programmes up to Masters level or to programmes leading to professional qualifications.
Course CodeDB569
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    13/14 Aungier Street
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