Course Description

BA (Hons) in Business (Cloud Computing)

The BA (Hons) in Business (Cloud Computing) degree is intended to educate and prepare students for employment in information systems or cloud computing. It will also provide students with a strong IT/IS knowledge, competence and skills in the technologies that underpin cloud computing. In relation to the specific skills requirement in the area of cloud computing, a report by Goodbody’s Economic Consultants identifies that ‘the greatest benefit of cloud computing is as a source of exports, growth and jobs for the Irish economy’. This report also identifies ‘the need for additional marketing, sales and technical staff with the relevant skills for cloud Computing, and a need for training for their current employees’

This programme will provide students with a solid understanding in the technologies and languages that are used to design and develop applications for the cloud. They will also understand the fundamental concepts and architecture of cloud computing. Students will develop key skills in the use and application of current cloud computing platforms and how they are used to deploy web and other client applications to the Cloud. Book or enquire about this course below.

CollegeDublin Business School (DBS)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryCloud Computing, IT
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsBA (Hons) in Business Information Systems with Cloud Computing
Course DurationThree years
Course TimeFull time, beginning in September 2024
Course Fee5,995
Entry Requirements2 H5 + 4 O6/H7, to include Mathematics & English or another language
Carear PathThe ICT sector in Ireland is a thriving and growing industry with the top 10 global ICT companies maintaining a presence in Ireland. It is one of the country's most prevalent employers and at present over 80,000 people are employed by such companies in Ireland. The 2014 Action Plan for jobs the ICT sector continues to be highlighted with a diverse range of areas such as cloud computing network security, localisation and testing, telecommunications and research and development being key career opportunities.

The skill set acquired in the Cloud computing stream will ensure graduates can confidently contribute to the strategic direction of their organisation, to align strategy with the unlimited potential of cloud technology and use for human resource development, financial planning, change management and the marketing of their product/service creating a competitive advantage in the market place. The programme will also provide students with a solid platform for further study/research within the field if they wish to progress to Postgraduate level.
Course CodeDB526
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