Course Description

BA (Hons) in Business and Law

The BA (Hons) in Business and Law degree provides you with a balanced educational programme in both business and law. Individual modules have been refined to provide an ideal programme to acquire and apply a specialist mix of knowledge to the evolving business and legal environment in Ireland.Moreover, as law is the ultimate regulator of relationships in society, it also has a profound economic and social significance.

CollegeGriffith College Dublin (GCD)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 8
Course CategoryBusiness & Law, Business
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course Duration3 years Full time
Carear PathThe degree enables graduates to sit the Law Society of Ireland's entrance examinations. Graduates may also choose to advance their studies and research skills at postgraduate level. Graduates are also automatically eligible to sit the Honorable Society of King's Inns' entrance examinations. Once you have successfully completed the five entrance examinations you may then complete the Honorable Society of King's Inns' Barrister at Law degree, in just one year. Graduates may also pursue further studies at postgraduate or masters level in a wide range of disciplines
Phone(01) 415 0400
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Course Provider

Griffith College Dublin (GCD)

South Circular Road, Dublin City South, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: D08V04N

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    Griffith College Dublin (GCD)
    South Circular Road
    Dublin City South, Dublin
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