Course Description

QQI Level 5 Certificate in Software Development

This course is designed to give the student a firm foundation in the skills required to develop software.
Software development involves writing and testing computer programs to meet a customer’s needs. Students are introduced to the basics of programming using the Python programming language. Once the basic principles of programming are understood students move on to more advanced concepts using the popular Java programming language.
Throughout the course there is a focus on the development of ‘soft skills’ such as problem solving, communications and team working. Students learn how to identify and document customer requirements. Programming is taught in a fun and interactive way.
CollegeCavan Institute
Course LocationClare
Course Category
Phone+353 49 4332633
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Course Provider

Cavan Institute

Cathedral Road, Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan, Ireland. Eircode: H12 E426

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    Cavan Institute
    Cathedral Road
    Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan
    Visit Website