Course Description

QQI Level 5 Certificate in Art, Craft and Design

This course is designed for students interested in building a portfolio in different areas of art, craft and design. It is of interest both to students who wish to pursue a career or progress to further study in this area. The programme covers a variety of disciplines, as listed below. Practical studio-based assignments that emphasise problem solving and critical thinking form the basis of class work. Individual studio space allows for development of creativity and challenges the student to become more inventive and confident in their strategic thinking. Visiting artist workshops are organised to encourage an understanding of contemporary artistic practices and thinking. Students are given the opportunity to visit a number of exhibitions and art galleries throughout the academic year. An end of year show allows students to display work they have created in the course of the year.

CollegeCavan Institute
Course LocationCavan
Course CategoryArt
Phone+353 49 4332633
Course CodeCI061AD
For information about Cavan Institute, please visit their college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Cavan Institute

Cathedral Road, Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan, Ireland. Eircode: H12 E426

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    Cavan Institute
    Cathedral Road
    Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan
    Visit Website