Course Description

QQI Level 5 Certificate in Music

This course focuses on the development of creative skills through performance, composition, technology and contextual study. It is designed for performers who wish to develop their technical performance skills, creativity and musicianship in conjunction with music industry studies. The course combines a study of instrumental techniques as well as music theory and practice with the opportunity to engage with a range of music styles from rock, jazz, blues, to Irish and world music. Live performances and studio recordings are an integral part of the course. Through continued commitment to rehearsal, students develop the discipline that is required to work in the music industry. Students develop, produce and deliver live performances as part of their course work. These offer an ideal environment in which each student can put into use the knowledge and skills gained while on the course.

CollegeCavan Institute
Course LocationCarlow
Course Category
Phone+353 49 4332633
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Course Provider

Cavan Institute

Cathedral Road, Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan, Ireland. Eircode: H12 E426

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    Cavan Institute
    Cathedral Road
    Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan
    Visit Website