Course Description

QQI Level 5 Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education

The demand for qualified childcare professionals has increased significantly in recent years. This course offers a comprehensive preparation for a career in early years care and education. Students receive training in practical, social and legal aspects of the profession. A qualification in childcare is a requirement for childcare staff under the government’s Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) scheme. This qualification allows you to work in a variety of childcare settings or as a special needs assistant. As part of the course, students undertake placement in a range of childcare settings. Many childcare settings in Ireland are now seeking QQI level 5 qualifications for their employees in line with the requirements of the ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) scheme and new legislative requirements for the sector.

CollegeCavan Institute
Course CategoryChildcare, Educational & Teacher Training
Phone+353 49 4332633
Course CodeCI061
For information about Cavan Institute, please visit their college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Cavan Institute

Cathedral Road, Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan, Ireland. Eircode: H12 E426

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    Cavan Institute
    Cathedral Road
    Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan
    Visit Website