Course Description

Accounting Technician - Computerised Accounting

This course is aimed at students who are interested in pursuing a career in accounting/finance.

Accounting Technicians are skilled persons who work at middle management level and who provide essential financial and accounting support information to professional accountants and to senior management. Some examples of positions available to qualified Accounting Technicians include: accounting supervisor, budget officer, assistant accountant and payroll administrator.

At the end of their two years of study and having complied with all the requirements of Accounting Technicians Ireland, students will be awarded the Certificate MATI (Members of the Accounting Technicians Ireland).

Accounting Technicians Ireland, in a recent survey of their members, state that “almost 95% of our members are employed. As an Accounting Technician you will be qualified to work in many types of accountancy jobs. There is always a stong demand for these skills in the marketplace.”

CollegeCavan Institute
Course LocationCavan
Course CategoryBusiness
Phone+353 49 4332633
For information about Cavan Institute, please visit their college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Cavan Institute

Cathedral Road, Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan, Ireland. Eircode: H12 E426

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    Cavan Institute
    Cathedral Road
    Drumalee, Cavan Town, Cavan
    Visit Website