Course Description

QQI Certificate in Community Health Services (5M4468) – NFQ Level 5

Psychology is the scientific investigation of behaviour and mental processes. It aims to study how a person thinks, feels and acts in any social situation. The main emphasis is on the individual and how they can affect and be affected by social contact with other parties.

Applied Psychology avails of general psychological principles and theories and uses them to investigate problems in the area of business management, product design, ergonomics, law, health and mental health.

To do this, Applied Psychologists use a range of measurement techniques. These include observation, case studies, psychometric tests, surveys and experiments.

This foundation course aims to give participants an introduction to the core theories and methodologies of psychology and prepare them for further study at third level.

In addition, this course lays the foundation for a wide variety of ‘people-focused’ careers in social research, environmental psychology, marketing and human resource management.

CollegeBallsbridge College of Further Education
Course LocationBallsbridge, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 4
Course CategoryPsychology Courses, Healthcare & Medicine
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    Ballsbridge College of Further Education
    Shelbourne Road
    Ballsbridge, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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