Course Description

QQI Advanced Certificate in Business – NFQ Level 6 (6M4985)

As companies continue to face the challenges of a competitive marketplace, they must invest in highly skilled and trained personnel in order to meet the demands that customers and competitors present. This course is suitable for the student who wishes to develop sophisticated management, selling and marketing techniques – skills which are very much sought after by both the large organisation and the small to medium enterprise alike.

In this course, modern business techniques are explored, leaving the graduate ready to enter the market with a wide range of expertise in various management, marketing and selling practices.

Students and adult learners, who have a flair for business, will find this course gives them an opportunity to build on their knowledge and experience and refine their skills so that at the end of the year they will have a set of professional management and business skills which will bring them into a career of their choice.

Career Opportunities

This course offers great employment potential in the area of management, professional sales and marketing, and the graduate will be able to avail of the job opportunities that exist in the market as companies continue to develop creative and innovative customer-based marketing and sales strategies.

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    Ballsbridge College of Further Education
    Shelbourne Road
    Ballsbridge, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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