Course Description

Art, Graphics and Printmaking Portfolio Course

This course enables students to create and produce an interesting and dynamic portfolio of work. It offers students a balance between traditional methods of art making such as drawing, painting, print making, figures studies, alongside digital photography and computer graphic design, resulting in an integrated portfolio. A one week field trip takes place in the first term to stimulate the students research work. Throughout the year various artists and designer visit the college to talk and guide students. Many graduates progress on to NCAD, DIT, IADT and further afield.

CollegeBallyfermot College of Further Education
Course LocationBallyfermot, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 10
Course CategoryArt
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course Duration1 year
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsFive O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate/LCVP or a merit in Leaving Certificate Applied or QQI level 4 Certificate. Art Portfolio (See guidelines). The academic entry requirements may be waived for mature applicants (21+).
Carear PathGraduates may progress to courses in Higher Education Institutions on a competitive basis through the new QQI Common Awards System (CAS). For information on the scheme see Higher Education Links Scheme. Graduates with a merit profile may apply for entry to BTEC Higher National Diploma courses in BCFE, such as AGH HND in Graphic Design (Visual Communications) AIH HND in Illustration AFH HND in Fibre Art (Textile Design & Fine Art) DMH HND in Digital Design and Technology (UX, UI)
Phone1 6269421
Course CodeAGP
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    Ballyfermot College of Further Education
    Ballyfermot Road
    Ballyfermot, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
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