Course Description

Art and Design Portfolio Preparation course

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The CDCFE Portfolio Preparation course is designed to prepare students for entry to colleges both in Ireland and abroad. Emphasis is placed on research and development methods in both practical and academic subjects relevant to Art and Design practice. This approach facilitates the development of a balanced portfolio which acknowledges the student’s own individual ideas development.


Course Content

Observational research and exploration of ideas and materials through:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Illustration
  • Combined Materials/Design
  • Sculpture
  • Appreciation of Art and Design
  • Digital Photography
  • Image Processing
  • Portfolio Editing and Evaluation
  • Communications
  • Work Experience
CollegeColáiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
Course LocationCoolock, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 17
Course CategoryArt Portfolio, Art
Course TypeIn-house Training
Course QualificationLevel 5 Certificate
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsArt and Design Portfolio Preparation
Course Duration1 Year
Course Time1 Year
Course Fee€400
Entry RequirementsLeaving Certificate or LCVP (to include O6 / H7 English) or Merit Award LCA or Merit Award QQI Level 4. Applicants unable to complete the above requirements for legitimate reasons can be interviewed on a one to one basis as to suitability. Mature students, and those without a formal education, are welcome to apply and eligibility is assessed on an individual basis.
Carear PathWhile preparing their individual portfolio, students on the course cover the QQI Level 5 Art Award (5M1985) which is recognised for entry to Third Level Art Colleges such as NCAD, TUD, IADT, LSAD and ITs (Institutes of Technology) nationwide. The QQI Award affords students the opportunity to achieve Distinction grades that can be used in lieu of minimum Leaving Certificate requirements for third level college entry.

Graduates of this course may also apply for entry to higher and advanced certificate and degree programmes at national Institutes of Technology, Technological Universities, Universities and Art Colleges at home and abroad such as, NCAD (National College of Art + Design), TU Dublin, IADT (Institute of Art, Design + Technology), Crawford College of Art + Design, LSAD (Limerick School of Art + Design), TUS (Technological University of the Shannon), and IT Carlow; London, Edinburgh, Utrecht, Berlin.

Students can use this major Level 5 Art Award (5M1985) to apply to colleges through the CAO.
Course Code5M1985
For information about Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE), please visit their college page on by clicking here.

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    Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
    Barryscourt Road
    Coolock, Dublin
    Visit Website