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CAO Round One Offers – What Do I Do Now? At this stage you should have received your Leaving Cert results (issued on Friday 3rd September) directly through the candidate self-service portal and today (7th September) the CAO issued the first round offer of places. Below we explore the question: CAO Round One Offers […]
When it comes to your Third Level studies – there are a lot of things to consider. It can be difficult to decide between potential fields of study, and even then, knowing which is the right course for you can be even harder. You still have to consider cost, location, campus amenities, work placement opportunities […]
This year, registrations for HPAT – Ireland 2022 opened in November 2021 and will close on 21 January 2022 at 5.15pm GMT. Every year thousands of students register to take this test. Here we look into exactly What is HPAT – Ireland? What is HPAT – Ireland? It stands for Ireland Health Professions Admission Test – […]
In this economy, it’s not easy living away from home. What makes a hard task even harder is when you’re being treated badly by a landlord. But when it comes to accommodation, what are your rights? What are my rights in the rental market? You should never have to live in squalor. If your home […]
Are you thinking about choosing your qualification path? In the latest Whichcollege.ie article, Aoife Rogers explores how you can decide what option is right for you. Choosing Your Qualification Path – What You Need to Know As a child, deciding on your future career was an easy business. Your commitment to training was relatively low […]
College is certainly about expanding your knowledge through studies, but it also offers invaluable opportunities to jumpstart your career. The old standard of simply earning a degree no longer guarantees jobs or success after graduation. Savvy students use their college years to gain real world experience, build networks and develop skills that pay off when […]
Your time at University can be the best years of your life as you discover a whole other world to the one you have lived up until this point in your life – a world of new people, new knowledge, new ideas and new experiences. However, it can also be a pretty stressful time in […]
Campuses around Ireland are coming together this week to promote the first National Green Week. Colleges will be addressing the challenges facing the world and exploring how we can impact positively on the planet and people. There’s a wide range of events, activities and opportunities happening over the week so be sure to get involved […]
The CAO Online Application Facility for 2024 is now open for students. Closing Date for Applications is the 1st February at 5pm. Students applying to CAO listed courses should make their application as soon as possible in order to avail of the discounted registration fee of €30 (Available until 5 PM on January 20th). Registration […]
It’s cold outside and that can only mean one thing – Christmas is coming! This year the Final Day of Christmas Term is 21st December. And while we’re all looking forward to the Christmas Holidays, it’s also an important time for all Leaving Certificate students to take advantage of the time off before starting the […]