Every year Griffith College awards scholarships to students who show an interest in their courses and can demonstrate an ability or passion for that area, but may not ordinarily be able to afford the tuition fees. Below is some information that describes what the scholarship is, how you apply and who is eligible for it.
The scholarship covers the entire cost of the programme for your duration of study, including the registration fees. It does NOT include accommodation, living or travel expenses which the student would need to organise themselves. It is important that the applicant takes this into consideration when applying for the scholarship.
- Monday 7th of January 2019 – Scholarship Form Opens
- Friday 19th of April 2019 – Scholarship Application Closes
- Monday 6th and Tuesday the 7th of May 2019 – Interviews
- Monday 13th of May 2019 – Successful Candidates will be notified
Griffith College Scholarship: How to Apply
They award the scholarship based on a number of criteria including personality, passion and knowledge for your chosen course area, suitability for the course and your current family financial situation. You should be able to demonstrate to the faculty that you have a genuine interest in your course subject. For example, if applying for Fashion, you can show a portfolio of work, scrapbooks, finished pieces, involvement in school/college fashion shows, etc. If applying for Journalism that you may have written articles, have had pieces of work published, recorded radio or video segments. Or possibly Law, whereby you may have taken work experience in a law firm or are involved in school debating. These are just examples and by no means mandatory- they should be seen only as a guide.
Applicants should note that they may require specific information from the Revenue Commissioners on your family income.
Submit your application online now
The scholarship is ONLY open to any current Leaving Certificate students and those studying on FETAC courses in Ireland. All Northern Irish school students may also apply. Leaving Certificate students must be completing their exam in June 2019.
Scholarships must be taken in the year in which they are offered. A scholarship cannot be deferred or carried over from one year to the next.