The closing date for the completion of applications to both the HEAR and the DARE schemes is Wednesday March 1st.
Applicants must have their completed forms submitted by 5.00pm. You will then have until 5.00pm on March 15th to have all supporting documents sent to CAO.
March 1st is also the closing date for amending course choices and is the closing date for completion of mature section of application forms
Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) Downloads and timetable of events. |
Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) Downloads and timetable of events. |
DARE HEAR Review and Appeals |
AHEAD – Association for Higher Education Access & Disability Helping students with disabilities to succeed in 3rd level education. Information and advice for students with disabilities on application procedures and getting support in college. |
Other Access Routes Other HEIs operating entry routes into Higher Education for school-leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. |
Applicants, parents and Guidance Counsellors with questions about completing the HEAR or SIF/DARE form should consult the published handbooks and contact CAO if they cannot find answers to their questions. We will have staff trained in dealing with queries on completing these sections of the form.
Questions on how applicants will be assessed and how offers are to be determined should be directed to the Access and Disability Offices in Higher Education Institutions and not CAO. CAO plays no part in making decisions on admissions.
To speak to a DARE representative in the Access Office of each of the participating institutions please use the contact details listed here.
To speak to a HEAR representative in the Access Office of each of the participating institutions please use the contact details listed here. is a national database of universities, colleges, institutes and providers of third level, CAO and PLC courses in Ireland. We operate a national search database of courses and colleges.