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It’s equal parts terrifying and exciting; the CAO has been tormenting potential undergraduates since 1976 – but not to worry. Here at Whichcollege.ie, we’re going to demystify it. The CAO form itself is actually very straightforward. In fact, once you stop hyperventilating and read the instructions carefully it’s hard to go wrong. Nevertheless, it is […]
What is QQI? QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications Ireland. It is the national agency responsible for quality assurance and qualifications in further and higher education and training in Ireland. What is QQI? QQI was established in 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act. It brought together four predecessor organizations – […]
Universities have been spending the Summer getting ready for the new academic year and preparing to overcome all the challenges the current situation has put before them. Below we take a look at some of the ways Universities have been preparing for the new academic year. Delivering Programmes The main focus for third-level […]
Memories, like the corners of your mind, are unstable things at the best of times. For example, you might find it hard to recall your mother’s birthday or the name of your cat. This doesn’t bode well for the mass memorisation of facts and figures that is necessary for the Leaving Cert. However, not all […]
Congratulations,. You’ve got your CAO points & you’ve accepted your place and now you’re starting to think about what college will be like. A new exciting chapter is beginning in your life. Adventure awaits! Although many of you will be excited about this new stage, it’s normal to be mindful of what this new experience […]
A new online survey has revealed the reality of life at school for 1,208 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+) students across Ireland. The 2022 Irish School Climate Survey, conducted by Belong To in conjunction with Columbia University, is the largest-ever research into the experience of LGBTQ+ youth attending schools here. BeLonG To Youth Services […]
A career in Broadcasting and Film rarely means a life of glamorous parties aboard luxury yachts and riotously upended hotel suites. The reality is much more likely to be hard work, long hours, and a lack of job security. However it is also a challenging and rewarding field. Your first step into this world is […]
There are several good reasons to attend college Open Days. Here we have a look at the benefits of visiting a college before signing up to study a course. Understand what a course is all about Our first reason may be the most important one: if you know what a course actually involves, you’re more […]
GAMSAT is a test that was originally developed for Medical School applicants in Australia, where Medicine was a graduate entry course. It has since been adopted by a number of Graduate Entry Medicine courses in Ireland. GAMSAT is used as part of the selection criteria for RCSI Graduate Entry Medicine UCD Graduate Entry Medicine University […]
The history of film is littered with science fiction that explores the existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As far back as 1931 audiences bore witness to man’s creation as Dr Frankenstein shrieked the immortal line “It’s alive”. Of course, the reason to explore such creations is to lay out the dystopian narrative that posits a […]