It’s cold outside and that can only mean one thing – Christmas is coming! This year the Final Day of Christmas Term is 21st December. And while we’re all looking forward to the Christmas Holidays, it’s also an important time for all Leaving Certificate students to take advantage of the time off before starting the run-up to exams in 2023. If you plan correctly for this year’s Christmas holidays, it can set you up nicely for the important year that lies ahead. So below we take a look at how you can make the best of your time off school and offer up 5 tips for Leaving Cert 2023: Get the Balance Right at Christmas!
Leaving Cert 2023: Get the Balance Right at Christmas
The CAO closing date is February 1 2023, so the time over the holidays gives you the perfect opportunity to familiarize yourself with the courses you are planning to apply for. Spend some time exploring the content of the courses you are applying for. What are the options within that course, check out the different modules that the course offers and see if it’s a fit for you. It may be the difference in modules offered that makes you choose one course in one college over a similar course in a different college. Remember that you need to place these courses in genuine order of preference.
Keep in mind that any course choices you make in your application can always be changed up to 1st July (apart from some Restricted courses).
You should make a plan and take a few hours each day to study. Maybe take your mornings to do a 3 hour session over the Christmas break. This way you’re finished by lunch and free to get on with your day away from the books! Use this studying time to focus on areas you are weak in, focus on key exam areas. practise essay writing and work your way through past Leaving Cert papers.
Give yourself study targets – what is it you want to achieve in each session? You will feel better knowing that you have achieved something and hit your targets at the end of a study session rather than just opening books and studying without goals.
Make sure to take some time to relax over the holidays – you’ve been working hard this year and you deserve a break. So make sure that you take some much needed rest over the holiday period to give yourself a break and reward yourself with rest and recuperation. Enjoy the time with your family and friends and loved ones and don’t take on too much.
Get Active
Make sure you keep yourself active during the holidays.Get out of the house and go for a run, a walk, or a cycle. Or make plans to meet up with a friend and get out and about. Sometimes there’s nothing better than wrapping u warm and going for a long stroll on a Winter’s Day!
Be Positive
It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious about the Leaving Certificate and worry about being prepared for what’s coming down the line. Try to stay focused and see this time as a great chance to continue your progress and work towards your goals. If you’re feeling anxious, talk to your friends or your family. They will always be there to offer you support and encourage positive thoughts.
All of us here at wish you a Happy Christmas and a successful New Year. Keep up all the great work. You’ve got this! is a national database of universities, colleges, institutes and providers of third level, CAO and PLC courses in Ireland. We operate a national search database of courses and colleges.