With over 1000 Irish students now registered on undergraduate and Master’s degree programmes, taught through English, in Dutch universities, the universities come regularly to Ireland, to meet prospective Irish students and their families.
About OMG We’re Going Dutch
Irish students, currently studying in the Netherlands, will be available for a chat on the night. Speakers at the event will outline the benefits of a Dutch education, including an admission procedure that is not based on points or grades, low costs (at both undergraduate and Masters level), generous student finance, a teaching/learning style that encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning and, importantly, an excellent grounding for the globalised employment markets of the 21st century.
- 9th January 2020
- 19.00 – 22.00
- Carlton Hotel Blanchardstown
Of course, the stars at these events are Irish students already studying in the Netherlands, who share their experiences and challenges. They are the real experts!
What You Will Learn
Subject areas offered by participating universities, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, include International Law, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Business, Game Design, Medicine, Public Health, Pharmacy, Biomedicine, International Relations/European Studies, Languages, Natural Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering, Hotel Management, Music, Fine Art, Design, Teaching and many more.
Participating universities currently include:
Avans UAS
Fontys UAS
Hanze UAS
InHolland UAS
NHL Stenden UAS
Radboud U
U. Groningen
U. Maastricht
Windesheim UAS
More will be listed in the coming weeks.
18.30 – 19.00
Video show from participating institutions
19.00 – 20.15
Presentations on Studying in the Netherlands, including Q&A with Irish students currently studying in the Netherlands
20.15 – 21.30
Exhibition of participating universities, giving you an opportunity to discuss with them, informally, their programmes and admissions procedures.